1. What is a Constructor in Java?
Java constructor is just like a method in Java that is used to initialize the state of an object and will be invoked during the time of object creation.
Java constructor interview questions
2. What are the Rules for defining a constructor?
- Constructor name should be the same as the class name
- It cannot contain any return type
- It can have all Access Modifiers are allowed (private, public, protected, default)
- It Cannot have any Non Access Modifiers (final, static, abstract, synchronized)
- No return statement is allowed
- It can take any number of parameters
- A constructor can throw an exception, we can have a throws clause
3. What is the use of Private Constructors in Java?
When we use privately for a constructor then object for the class can only be created internally within the class, no outside class can create an object for this class. Using this we can restrict the caller from creating objects.
class PrivateConstructorExample { /** * Private Constructor for preventing object creation from outside class **/ private PrivateConstructorExample(){ } public void disp() { System.out.println("disp() method called"); } } public class Sample { public static void main(String args[]) { //Creating the object for the Private Constructor class PrivateConstructorExample pc = new PrivateConstructorExample(); pc.disp(); } }
When we run the above code we will be getting the below exception.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: The constructor PrivateConstructorExample() is not visible at Sample.main(Sample.java:19)
4. Can we have a Constructor in an Interface?
No, We cannot have a Constructor defined in an Interface.
Java constructor interview questions
5. What is Constructor Chaining in Java?
Constructor Chaining is nothing but calling one Constructor from another. this keyword is used to call the current class constructor and the super keyword is used to call the parent class constructor.
class Parent { public Parent() { System.out.println("Parent class no-args constructor called"); } public Parent(String name) { System.out.println("Parent class Parameterized constructor called by "+name); } } public class Child extends Parent { public Child() { this("JIP"); System.out.println("Child class no-args constructor called"); } public Child(String name) { super("JIP"); System.out.println("Child class Parameterized constructor called by "+name); } public static void main(String args[]) { Child c = new Child(); } }
Output :
Parent class Parameterized constructor called by JIP Child class Parameterized constructor called by JIP Child class no-args constructor called
6. Can we have this and super in the same constructor?
No, we cannot have this and super in the same constructor as anyone only can be in the first line of the constructor.
class Parent { public Parent() { System.out.println("Parent class no-args constructor"); } } public class Child extends Parent { public Child() { this("JIP"); super(); System.out.println("Child class no-args constructor"); } public Child(String name) { System.out.println("Child class Parameterized constructor"+name); } public static void main(String args[]) { Child c = new Child(); } }
Output :
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: Constructor call must be the first statement in a constructor at Child.(Child.java:13) at Child.main(Child.java:23)
Java constructor interview questions
7. Is it possible to call a subclass constructor from superclass constructor?
No. You cannot call a subclass constructor from a superclass constructor.
8. What is a No-arg constructor?
Constructor without arguments is called the no-arg constructor. In Java Default constructor is a no-arg constructor.
class Demo { public Demo() { //No-arg constructor } }
9. Can we have a class with no Constructor in it? What will happen during object creation?
Yes, we can have a class with no constructor, When the compiler encounters a class with no constructor then it will automatically create a default constructor for you.
10. Can we have both Default Constructor and Parameterized Constructor in the same class?
Yes, we have both Default Constructor and Parameterized Constructor in the same class.
Java constructor interview questions
11. Can a Constructor return any value?
A Constructor cannot return any explicit value but implicitly it will be returning the instance of the class.
12. Will compiler create the Default Constructor when we already have a Constructor defined in the class?
No, the compiler will not create the Default Constructor when we already have a Constructor defined.
13. Can an abstract class in Java have a constructor?
Yes, an abstract class can have a constructor. The below code works perfectly fine.
abstract class Demo1 { String value; public Demo1( String value ) { this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; } } public class Test extends Demo1 { public Test() { super("CoreJava"); } }
Java constructor interview questions
14. What happens when a Constructor is defined as “protected”?
In general protected method can be accessed by other class in a different package only through Inheritance. But when you assign protected access to a constructor it behaves a bit different. It can be accessed only by a call of super() (according to JLS) and not directly by any other means.
package com.javainterviewpoint; public class Parent { protected Parent() { System.out.println("Parent Constructor called"); } public void parentDisp() { System.out.println("Parent Disp called"); } } package com.javainterviewpoint1; import com.javainterviewpoint.Parent; public class Child extends Parent { public Child() { /** * Using super() Parent Class protected constructor can be called */ super(); System.out.println("Child Constructor called"); } public void childDisp() { System.out.println("Child Disp called"); } public static void main(String args[]) { /** * Even though we have extended Parent class in Child class, * below way of calling Parent class Constructor is not allowed * * The constructor Parent() is not visible - error will be thrown */ Parent p = new Parent() // Error will be thrown } }
15. Why constructors cannot be final in Java?
When you set a method as final, then” The method cannot be overridden by any class”, but Constructor by JLS ( Java Language Specification ) definition can’t be overridden. A constructor is not inherited, so there is no need for declaring it as final.
16. Why constructors cannot be abstract in Java?
When you set a method as abstract, then “The method doesn’t or cannot have the body”. A constructor will be automatically called when the object is created. It cannot lack a body moreover an abstract constructor could never be implemented.
17. Why constructors cannot be static in Java?
When you set a method as static, it means “The Method belongs to a class and not to any particular object” but a constructor is always invoked with respect to an object, so it makes no sense for a constructor to be static.Also Read: Java Interview Questions class and object in Java Java Constructor Wells Fargo Routing Number Bank of America Routing Number
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