Tuesday, July 23, 2019

JCP Associate Kiosk - www.jcpassociates.com - JCPENNEY

How to View Your Work Schedule on the JCPenney Associates Kiosk Website;

As a person who works for JCPenney (otherwise known as a JCPenney associate), it is possible for you to view your work schedules online. This is one of the things that you are able to do through the JCPenney Associates Kiosk website. It means that you can check online to know when you are supposed to be at work (and, conversely, when you can be off work). That, in turn, should make it easier for you to plan around your work schedules in a convenient manner.
How to get to the JCPenney Associates kiosk website:
To get to the JCPenney Associates kiosk website, you only need to enter that website’s address into your browser, and your browser will then transfer you to the said site (as long as your computer is connected to the Internet). If you check towards the end of this article, in the section entitled ‘links to get you going’, you will find the address we are making reference to that is, the address you can enter into your browser, in order to be taken to the JCPenney Employee Kiosk website.
How to log into the JCPenney Associates kiosk website:
When you get to the JCPenney Kiosk website, the first thing you will need to do is to specify that you are interested in the ‘Associate Kiosk @ Home’ function. So from the JCPenney Associates Home page, click on the first link: the ‘Associate Kiosk @ Home’ link. On the screen that you are taken to, log in to the JCPenney Employee Kiosk website by entering your employee ID and your password. If you don’t yet have a password for use on the site, click on the ‘Register as a New User’ link, and then go through the motions of registering (note that this will only work if you are working on a JCPenney workplace computer). Having thus registered, log in, by entering your employee ID and the password you will have created.
How to actually access your work schedule on the JCPenney Associates kiosk website:
After logging into the JCP Associates kiosk website, check on the left-hand side of the first page you are taken to, and you will see somewhere written ‘JTime Launchpad’. Click here, and you will be able to access and view your JCPenney work schedule online.
Sign Up for Electronic W-2 Forms On the JCP Associates Kiosk Website
As a JCPenney employee, it is possible for you to sign up for electronic W-2 forms, through the JCPenney Associates Kiosk website. By opting to receive W-2 forms electronically, you position yourself to benefit from the greater convenience associated with electronic filing of W-2 forms. As you may be aware, the W-2 form is essentially a tax form: one that is meant to be filled in by an employer, reporting an employee’s annual earnings and the amount of money that was deducted from those earnings as taxes. Now in your case, as a person who works for JCPenney (that is, as a JCP Kiosk associate), it is obviously JCPenney Kiosk that is supposed to fill in the W-2 form for you. And having done so, JCPenney is expected to provide you (as an employee) with one copy of the filled-in W-2 form, which you would then use for tax filing purposes. It is this aspect of receiving the W-2 form from JCPenney that can be undertaken electronically, through the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website.
Accessing the JCPenney Associates Kiosk website:
To access the JCPenney Associates Kiosk website, simply enter the address for that particular website into your browser, and your browser will transfer you to that site. The address we are making reference to, which you can enter into your browser in order to be transferred to the JCPenney Associates Kiosk website is provided/indicated towards the end of this article, in the section entitled ‘links to get you going’.
Signing up for electronic W-2 forms on the JCPenney Associates kiosk website:
When you get to the JCPenney Associates Kiosk website (specifically on the JCPenney Associates Home page), click on the third link on the page: that is the ‘EW-2 and reissues’ link. Then follow the simple instructions on the page that you are taken to, in order to successfully sign up for electronic W-2 forms.
What you need to do, after signing up for electronic W-2 forms on the JCPenney Associates kiosk website:
After signing up for electronic W-2 forms on the JCPenney Associates Kiosk website, you will only need to bid your time, as you wait for the W-2 form to become available. While signing up for electronic W-2 forms on the JCPenney Associates kiosk website, you will have encountered a ‘notification box’. The instructions in the notification box should guide you on the question of how to know when the W-2 form becomes available. So when the W-2 form becomes available, you will be able to access it through the JCPenney Associates Kiosk website, and you can subsequently use it for your tax filing purposes.

Enroll for Benefits Through the JCPenney Associates Kiosk Website:

As a JCPenney associate, you are eligible for certain benefits. These include medical benefits, dental benefits, term life insurance benefits and AD&D benefits (among others). The way some of these benefits schemes are run is such that you need to enroll, in order to start enjoying them. And as it turns out, enrolling for such benefits is one of the things you can do through the JCPenney Associates Kiosk website. That is specifically through a feature known as the PowerLine feature on the JCPenney Associates Kiosk website.
Getting to the JCPenney Associates kiosk website:
Getting to the JCPenney Associates kiosk website is simply a matter of entering the web address for the JCPenney Associates kiosk website into your browser’s address bar, and then hitting the ‘enter’ button on your keyboard. The web address in question, which you can enter into your browser’s address bar in order to access the JCPenney Associates Kiosk website is provided/indicated towards the end of this article, in the section entitled ‘links to get you going’.
Logging into the JCPenney Associates kiosk website:
Upon getting to the JCPenney Associates Kiosk website, you will land on the JCPenney Associates Home page.  Once you are there, click on the first link, that is, the ‘Associate Kiosk @ Home’ link. Then on the screen that you are transferred to upon clicking on that link, enter your employee ID and your password, and then click on the ‘Sign On’ button in order to be logged in.
Accessing the PowerLine feature on the JCPenney Associates kiosk website:
Having logged into the JCPenney Associates Kiosk, check towards the bottom right-hand side, and you will notice a ‘PowerLine’ link. Click on the said PowerLine link. You will then be taken to a page with more information on the various benefits you are eligible for.
Enrolling for benefits through JCPenney Associates Kiosk PowerLine:
On the page that you are taken to after clicking on the PowerLine link, click on the link for the specific benefit you are interested in. Upon doing so, you should be taken to a page with more information on that particular benefit, where you are also likely to find a link you can click on if you wish to actually enroll for that particular benefit.
Note that it also possible for you to access the PowerLine feature directly, by entering the web address for the JCPenney Powerline website (which takes you to the JCPenney benefits page on the Hewitt website). That address for direct access to the JCPenney Powerline website is also indicated towards the end of this article, in the section entitled ‘Links to get you going’.

Registering as a New User On the JCPenney Associate Kiosk Website:

Before you can start using the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website to access your employment information, you, first of all, need to register as a new user on the site. This is to say that you, as a person who works for JCPenney, can’t view your paystubs, work schedules, benefits information, W-2 information… or anything else through the JCPenney Associate Kiosk, before registering as a new user on the site. The JCPenney Associates Kiosk website is one where you have to be logged in, for you to view your personal information. And for you to be logged in, you need to have set up a password: which is something that you only get a chance to do in the process of registering as a new user on the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website.
Initiating the process of registering as a new user on the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website:
You initiate the process of registering as a new user on the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website by first loading the website and then navigating to the registration/sign up page.
To load the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website, enter the address for it into your browser. The address we are making reference to, which you can enter into your browser for the browser to load the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website is indicated/provided within the section entitled ‘links to get you going’ towards the end of this article.
When you enter the address for the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website into your browser, the browser will take you to the JCPenney Associates Homepage. From the said homepage, click on the first link — namely the ‘Associate Kiosk @ Home’ link. On the screen you are transferred to, to the right of the login box, you will see a couple of links: the ‘I forgot my password’ link and the ‘Register as a new user’ link. Click on the latter. But note that the link won’t go through if you are actually at home (that is if you are not on a JCPenney workplace computer).
Going through the process of registering as a new user on the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website:
After clicking on the ‘Register as a new user’ link, you only need to fill in the required bits of information, in order to complete the actual registration process. The hallmark of this process will be the selection/setting up of the password that you would henceforth be used to log into the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website.
Registering as a new user on the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website at home:
It is important to note that it is impossible for you to actually register as a new user on the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website if you are literally at home. JCPenney says that for security and privacy purposes, it deactivates the ‘I forgot my password’ and the ‘Register as a new user’ links for people who are trying to access the website from home computers. Thus, you can only be registering as a new user of the site through a JCPenney workplace computer.
The next steps after registering as a new user on the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website:
After registering as a new user on the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website, you will be logging into the site using the password that you set up in the course of the registration. So you would be entering your employee ID (as the username) and the password you set up in the course of the registration, whenever you wish to log in and access your information through the JCPenney Associate Kiosk website.
JCPenney Associate Discount Card Activation:
As a JCPenney associate, there are certain special discounts that are available to you (and your eligible dependents). Now for you to actually benefit from the said discounts when shopping in brick and mortar JCPenney stores, you need to have a special discount card. The card in question is known as the JCPenney Associate discount card.  When shopping online at JCP.com, the discounts are automatic. But when shopping in brick and mortar JCPenney stores, you have to show the discount card at the checkout point, for the discount to be applied. And for the JCPenney discount card to work, you need to have activated it. Now, as it turns out, the discount card activation is something you need to do on a JCPenney kiosk at work.
How to acquire the JCPenney Associate Discount card, in the first place
The JCPenney Associate Discount card is something you are given when you are first hired by JCPenney. In the course of what JCPenney refers to as the ‘new hire process’, one of the things you are given is a JCPenney Associate Discount card. Actually, you may end up getting several of these cards: one for yourself, and others for your eligible dependents. As for card replacements (and for additional cards, in case you get new eligible dependents in the course of your employment), you only need to contact your General Manager or your unit leader at work.
How to go about activating the JCPenney Associate Discount card
Having acquired the JCPenney Associate Discount card, the next logical thing for you to do is to activate it. The first step in that process is that of going to a JCPenney Kiosk (at work). The second step is to log into the JCPenney Kiosk. And having logged into the JCPenney Kiosk, you need to select the main menu, and from the main menu click on ‘self-service’ and then from the self-service sub-menu, click on ‘discount card activation’. You will then be able to activate the card, by entering a few details.
How to use the JCPenney Associate Discount card, after activation
Having activated the JCPenney Associate discount card, you need to carry it with you whenever you go shopping in a brick and mortar JCPenney outlet. Then, having picked the items you needed, you only need to show the card at the checkout point (you may also be asked for identification), and the applicable discount will then be applied. Take note that in the long run, the sums of money you stand to save through JCPenney Associate discounts can be appreciably huge. This means that the JCPenney Associates discounts program is one that is definitely worth taking advantage of.


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